Sunday, March 31, 2013

retirement plans for small business

Entrepreneurial be one of the many efforts that are made to the employee regardless of the various routine office. Driven partly because of economic necessity as well as to be able to control their own income.

"The economic downturn is indirectly forcing people to think more creatively about how to make money, and most people also question their job security now than ever before," says Chris Guillebeau, author of The Art of Non-Conformity.

According to Tory Johnson, a television reporter and business owner, he decided to become entrepreneurs after taking early retirement from a previous job. "A sense of security in the income actually known when you know that you are not only a source of income to rely on only one source, or depending on the person who at any time could fire you," he said.

But before entrepreneurship, there are several strategies that can be applied to get the business idea.

Interest. "Think about what you really want to do. Maybe something normally done in your office first, even if you do not like, or that you love. Whatever the form, it can teach the good and bad that might arise when starting a business, "said Tara Gentile, entrepreneurial consultants.

Guillebeau also advised to listen to the advice from the people closest to, and consult with business consultants. Then begin to create a blog that describes your business, open a special account for business, then start a business.

Motivation. Besides the money to supplement your income, you should find another motivation to start a business. According to Johnson, motivation besides additional revenue will help you to not only oriented to money alone. "For me, this is a form of protection and efforts to prevent my family from the bad experiences of the many invoice that comes," said Johnson.

Another motivation could be the reason for the self-employed are likely to contribute to the cost of treatment of a family member. Knowing the motivation other than money will also make it easier to endure to get through all the challenges.

Side job. Pamela Slim, author of Escape from Cubicle Nation, uses the term "side" to refer to how to make money with entrepreneurship. Sometimes people are always afraid to start everything from the bottom, because it would risk all that has been gained from regular work. Having a second job is not just to make you start a new business with little risk, but also as a backup plan if one day you have a problem with your work.

"The workers will think about the economic stability of the company, although not completely destroyed, you know it's not a good thing if it just depends on the company," he said. According to the survey conducted by Elance, a freelance market, three out of 10 respondents to keep working at the company while entrepreneurship.

Do not sell the same stuff. Slim reminded that in entrepreneurship, you should not sell products similar to those produced by your company. Because it can be, your company will claim a range of products that you create when you are still in the working hours of the company.

Take advantage of technology. Twitter, blogs, Facebook, and various other social networking is one of the easiest ways to build a small business. "It's very easily done by anyone, and it's easy to create a website to sell your product," said Slim. If used, the location of the business is one of the obstacles to selling your business product range, now you can create a website in your hometown, and sell your product to the world.

Add friends. Today, internet marketing through blogs and often focused on the importance of building a brand to garner a close relationship between you and your customers. However, Gentile said it is not the main objective. Websites that manages every day visited 1,000, which amount is lower than the blogs of famous stars. However, the most important thing is how much money you can get from the blog visitors.

Stop planning and move. One mistake that is often made to become an entrepreneur is too long to think and plan. "Most people have trouble finding what products to sell. They think too much detail, but what is needed is the courage to begin," said Slim. Sometimes, many people are afraid to start a business because they fear the market will fail and be rejected.

Optimistic. "Success will not come instantly, but takes the process. However, if you start with a sense of pessimism, everything will fail," said Johnson. This is why the confidence to succeed in business is very important, because it is useful to boost your spirit to face any challenge.

Enjoy the fruits of your hard work. There is a sense of satisfaction and pride that you can achieve when you can run all of your business with your own efforts. Nothing wrong when your business is already bearing fruit, enjoy your little vacation. You also get to enjoy your work all the way to set their own business than when you are a worker.

Source : kompas

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