Friday, March 29, 2013


Characteristics that distinguish the Social Work profession deng aprofesi are as follows:
a. The focus of Social Work is the people as a whole and the totality, which includes those factors, behavior, and environment.
b. Emphasize the importance of social occupation families in shaping and influencing the behavior of family members.
c. Resource utilization - source community to help solve the problem.
d. The use of the process of supervision can provide advice and guidance for Social Workers who have not experienced that later grew and developed into an experienced Social Worker.
e. Social Work has a unique educational program for integrating the knowledge, values ​​and skills acquired in the classroom with practical experience in the field / community.
f. Traditional Social Work emphasis on three basic processes that case work, group work, community organization.
g. Social Work has a professional body such as the NASW. CSWE, IPPSI
h. Relationship is key in the process of Social Work.
i. Social Work oriented concepts - concepts of psychiatry and more emphasis on understanding people.
j. The term in the Social Work is social fungtioning, social interaction, and malfungtioning.
k. Social Work recognizes that social problems and human behavior are in institutions - social institution human family.
l. Many Social Workers who work on the body - the social body, both government-owned entity, private or private.
m. The most basic goal of Social Workers is to help their clients or communities to help themselves.
n. Since Social Workers are employed in the body - the social body and is paid, then the payment of the client is used for social welfare agencies, not to increase the income of Social Workers.
o. A Social Worker to be more effective in carrying out their duties, they can use and 

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