Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tuna Exports to Japan decreased

JAKARTA. The tsunami that struck Japan's turned out bad for the export of Indonesian tuna. Understandably, all this time Japan is the biggest consumer of tuna.

Ang Sakiman, Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Fish Carrier Vessel (APKPII), said that since Thursday (11 / 3) and practically no shipments of tuna to Japan. "In fact, usually within 4 days to a week, I can send 2 tons of tuna,", Sunday (13 / 3).

Ang said, this tuna shipment retention due to obstruction of access to transport, especially in Tokyo. In fact, during this approximately 75% of tuna from Indonesia supplied through Tokyo, while the remainder through other cities like Osaka.

This condition is certainly very unfortunate given the high price of tuna medium-high. Ang said, the price of tuna in Japan before the tsunami ranges from ¥ 800 - ¥ 900/kilogram (kg). This price is higher than that range from early February to ¥ 500/kg. "We can not get that advantage," he explained.

Victor Nikijuluw, Director General of Processing and Marketing of Fishery Products (DJP2HP) Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (CTF), add the tsunami disaster in Japan will hamper the export of tuna to it for 1-2 weeks. During that period, at least 20 tons of tuna Indonesia delayed the shipment. "Transportation there has not been recovered, so we can not tell," said Victor

However, Victor says it will not transfer that held up the tuna into other countries, such as the United States and Taiwan. Tuna is saved first and then shipped to Japan. "We can not divert these supplies, because it was bound by contract," said Victor.

Edi Yuwono, Chairman of the Indonesian Tuna Association (Astuin), have a different view. He said the tsunami disaster will not disrupt the export of Indonesian tuna. Currently, access to tuna that disrupted deliveries occur only in Tokyo and Shendai, because there paralyzed transport. However, other cities like Osaka relatively still running normal. "I am convinced that disaster would not significantly impede our tuna exports," said Edi.

For your information, Japan is the principal market tunas Indonesia, which contributes about 50% of the total tuna exports last year reached U.S. $ 376 million. The rest obtained from other countries like the United States, South Korea and Taiwan. This year, the CTF target Indonesian tuna exports could rise to U.S. $ 385 million.

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