Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Chinese hackers attack network of computers Morgan Stanley

NEW YORK. Morgan Stanley's computer network was attacked by hackers based in China. The attack is the same as in Google Inc. a year ago.

Citing a leaked email from internet security company, identified HBGary Inc., Morgan Stanley became the first financial institution to target Chinese hackers attack.

Phil Wallisch, Senior Security Engineer HBGary said the attack was not just a news story, but a real attack termed Aurora attack. The name is derived from McAfee Inc., which is a security company based in California.

HBGary not provide information indicative of data theft or theft of Morgan Stanley merger plan held by Morgan Stanley Multinational.

Sandra Hernandez, a spokesman for the bank, based in New York are refusing to comment this incident related long. "Like other companies in the industry, we are dealing with malware and various problems in running the business. We will work with existing law enforcement," said Hernandez.

Deputy Assistant FBI Director, Steven Chabinsky say hackers usually target the information relating to mergers and acquisitions. "They're targeting data that can provide benefits companies involved in the negotiations," he said.

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