Sunday, February 27, 2011

Prepare U.S. $ 38 billion, Buffett ready to hunt companies

NEW YORK. The investors get ready. Legendary investor Warren Buffett is hunting for the acquired company.

He has set money of U.S. $ 38 billion for such action. Buffett's desire was conveyed by letter to the shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway Inc., on Saturday (26 / 2).

Not only that, Buffett also put up a fairly aggressive profit targets for this year's Berkshire. Buffett said the company will prepare a budget big enough along with the recovery of the property market.

He also stressed, non-insurance business Berkshire needs to be expanded. "Weapons of our elephants have been filled. my fingers are itching to pull it," said Buffet.

Buffet annual letter awaited by many investors. Many are willing to get up early to hear the letter.

Investors assess Buffett letter is very optimistic. "The letter was celebrating the courage on behalf of investors to go into the market when the world is afraid," said Tom Russo, a partner in Garner Russo & Gardner, one of the largest shareholder of Berkshire.

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