Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Japan began of food crisis

Tokyo residents began to panic when of food and basic necessities of everyday in Japan began scarce. Masuhiro Ogura, one rice trader in Tokyo urged its customers to refrain from buying more rice if the rice supply in their homes still exist.

Therefore, the citizens of Tokyo have began stockpiling of food and clear the inventory in stores. The shelves of food, water and tissue is empty. Gas stations were already running out of supplies, because many people who buy excessively to anticipate the impact of nuclear radiation worse.

Japanese Agriculture Minister Michihiko Kano said, with many hoarders, causing the government ate difficult to send material to the millions of victims of the earthquake and tsunami that also need food.

Supermarket 7-Eleven in Japan were already running out of supplies of goods for sale. "People tended to buy batteries, paper towels and eating to excess material," said Hirotake Henmi, a spokeswoman for Seven & I Holdings Co..

This situation has begun to happen since two days ago. Society has purchased 10 times more tissue than usual. Food stores sell nine times more chicken than usual.

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