Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Property prices in America dropped

CHICAGO. Property prices United States (U.S.) again depressed at the end of February. Moody's Investors Service noted, this decline was the third monthly decline. Volume and value of distressed transactions touching its lowest level last year.

Moody's / REAL Commercial Property Price Index fell 3.3% from January and 4.9% from a year earlier. Investors demand on high-quality building slowed. The index is 44.6% below the peak in October 2007.

Robert Bach, chief economist at Grubb & Ellis Co., Santa Ana, Calif., said the buyer was not too interested in investing into the property segment. "They're away from the property due to consider the burden of maintenance and repair," he said. The sluggish economy makes leasing or leasing the place go dim.

CoStar Group Inc., a real estate data service based in Washington, with property prices to record levels of investment-grade in the U.S. fell 0.3% in February from the previous month. Tracks the last transaction of less than U.S. $ 2.5 million.

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