Thursday, April 14, 2011

One life to live

About ten years ago when I was in Hong Kong Airport, suddenly there are people who shout my name. He is a young woman, very thin, looks less healthy, and implies a deep sadness. But in between the sadness, the rest of the beauty still made an impression on her face.

I wonder why he's calling my name. I feel not know him and have never even met him. Yet, I still welcome and say hello back.

After making small talk for a moment, the woman told me, he is loyal consumers Sariayu cosmetics. He knows me as company owners Sariayu maker.

So what to do with me? Apparently, he wants to pour out his heart over the years. He admitted that he had for days hanging in Hong Kong. Apparently he was a woman victim of trafficking.

Her parents sold her to a man. Understandably, his family was very poor and had to support his many children. As the oldest child and felt compelled to reduce the burden of the parents involved, she resigned just sold to a man she never knew.

Until finally he was exiled in Hong Kong because the man was not interested in him anymore. Well, he asks for help for me to help him find a job so I can earn a living and could return to the Fatherland.

Well, this encounter really made an impression on my mind. As a fellow woman, I empathize and sympathize with the suffering he experienced. For me, the emancipation of women is not just equal rights, but also the right to choose and decide their own fate.

Day and night, I was nervous about the experience in Hong Kong. My inner rebel and sad. Moreover, we know that there are many other women in Indonesia, which suffered a similar fate.

I remember his late father's advice. He advised, the fate of a person will not change if the person is not willing to change their own destiny. But how to change the fate of other women, for the tragic story like that happen to a woman at Hong Kong Airport is not repeated?

I rack my brain to find a way out, until the conclusion, many women become victims of trafficking because it did not have the skills and education.

I was determined to establish special schools for women. Because the background expertise in the field of cosmetics and body care, beauty care for schools of my choice. This is why I founded Balisari Spa & Training Center. This is my dedication to women in Indonesia.

We receive a lot of young women from various regions who dropped out of school or less capable. They live in the dorms and get a monthly allowance.

There are two main points taught in Balisari, namely, provision of personal care skills. No less important, mental stock that are not easily tempted and mired in the black valley.

I pass on positive principles; DJITU, stands for Discipline, Honest, Innovative, Diligent and Ductile. For me, DJITU is the principle of true female beauty.

Well, if you've graduated, they are free to seek employment or become a therapist at Martha Tilaar spa network. Until now, Balisari has graduated 6,000 people, and many who work in the spa abroad.

we live to help, so life for live

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