Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Explore the potential benefits underwater photographers

Photographing the beauty beneath the sea can be tricky. Photographers need to know the characters and fish habitat. Not to mention if the photo is done by model. The preparation should be boiled. Professionals who have not traveled much this could generate hundreds of millions of dollars in one project only.

As an island nation surrounded by thousands of islands, Indonesia has the potential for marine tourism is very promising.
To maximize this potential need the involvement of all parties. One of the parties who play an important role is underwater photographer.

Professional services in this area is needed in collecting the photographs and under conditions in Indonesian waters. One of the underwater photographer who has extended experience in this profession is
  • Cipto Aji Gunawan

    a diver respite from Indonesia

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    Starting this profession since 1995, Cipto have explored and explored almost all Indonesian waters.

    Photographers should study carefully the behavior of the object image to be captured. Sometimes not easy to find a particular fish if it is not known habitat. It would be even harder to get a good photo if it does not recognize the character of the fish that we want to portrait. Even in some cases can be dangerous.
    Underwater photographer must learn the movements of the diver and the fish if you want to get the right position in decision-wide or large photo. "On land it easy to drive the model, but under water this becomes a constraint because it must interact with the models rely on hand signals," said the 41-year-old man.
    Shooting models at sea with a depth of more than two meters without using diving equipment requires special skills. This is due to the increased risk for the model, particularly the risk of water into the lungs or even rupture of the lung. Both can cause death.

    Preparation shoot this kind should be carefully planned, including a model train professional divers to interact with supporters and photographers. Photographers have only a very narrow time to take pictures.

    According to Cipto, this profession has been so much easier when carried as camera technology advances today. In the past, when first plunge in this profession, he must provide three camera as a camera at that time can not be mutually lens. "Now enough with the camera does not need to rise to the surface," he said. Cipto said the profession was once very expensive because of expensive equipment.
    Under PT Pranafira Nusantara, Cipto serve four to five projects per year. The price of a project around Rp 50 million to USD 200 million. One project is usually in the form of making a book and photo album which also contains data of underwater conditions.

    Her clients come from government agencies such as ministries of culture and tourism and the ministry of maritime affairs and fisheries, dive industry, and advertising agency. Cipto express this profession is still very promising. Information needs of Indonesia made a request under the sea underwater photos are always high. Cipto admitted only a few people who pursue full-time basis.

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