Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Fukushima sea near the plant toxic radioactive contaminated

TOKYO. Nuclear Safety Agency yesterday found that the sea water near a nuclear power plant contaminated Dai-Ichi toxic radiation.

Radioactive iodine in sea water under study increased to 3355 times above the safe limit. On the morning of radioactive iodine number is still 2572 times.

Meanwhile, workers continue to try to inject water into the damaged nuclear reactor during the last two weeks. Experts have tried to fix a broken system. However, their work hampered after the discovery of dangerous radioactive in and near the reactors.

Some steps have been submitted to reduce the anticipated impact of radiation on the health of surrounding communities. One of them being considered is to use a special cloth to cover the three reactors at the plant Dai-Ichi for toxic radiation does not spread into the air.

"But we have not come to the conclusion for the types of facilities that may be effective," said Chief Cabinet Yukio Edano.

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