Tuesday, May 8, 2012

ABMM subsidiary won the contract worth U.S. $ 209 million

JAKARTA. PT Cipta Kridatama again received new contracts worth U.S. $ 209 million from PT Rinjani Kartanegara. Subsidiary of ABM Investama Tbk PT (ABMM) will conduct land clearing, stripping the land, leasing of heavy equipment on land concessions Rinjani in East Kalimantan.

Rinjani is to have the Mining Permit for an area of ​​1933 hectares in the District of Loa Janan, Kutai regency, East Kalimantan.

2011 years ago, Cipta Kridatama contributed 44.6% of the total revenue of Rp 6.626 ABMM trillion. The contribution of this subsidiary increased from 2010. Just a note, the contribution of 2010 only amounted to Rp 2.034 trillion, while 2011 of Rp 2.961 trillion.

In 2012, the ABMM will allocate capital expenditure of U.S. $ 119 million for Cipta Kridatama. "This allocation is to ensure Cipta Kridatama all necessary support in developing the business and achieve the planned targets," said President Director ABMM Andi Djajanegara.

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