Thursday, May 26, 2011

hard doing business in Russia's

Doing business in various parts of the world has the challenge of each. Other regions are also constraints that must be conquered. Just like many developing countries, Russia has a less rapid development of entrepreneurship because the two barrier factors: excessive bureaucracy and corrupt officials. There was the same as what is experienced by our entrepreneurs?

In Russia, for example, run a milk business is not as easy as imagined. A businessman named Dmitry Malov milk instead found himself convicted criminal. How come?

As reported from, Thursday (26 / 5), Malov had a milk production business "Agromol" in the city of Kostroma, about 480 miles (about 300 km) from the capital city of Moscow. He started this business by buying the milk packaging facility. He later also bought two old-old cattle ranch relics of the Soviet era. Malov not hesitate to devote all his wealth to manage and modernize the old ranch. His business was soon showed rapid development. The factory produces milk, butter and other dairy products of high quality throughout the region, even to reach the capital.

However, things began to change when some unknown people visited his ranch, later known as the officers of the FSB, a Russian internal security service. They persuaded Malov to sell his business. Malov not approve. FSB agents threatened to imprison Malov if it continues to refuse. Tatiana, wife Malov, sure they are paid that are sent by someone who is involved in property development because the factories owned dairy Malov included in the land to be used as the main city center.

Do not stop there, Malov indicted on charges of fraud. He is accused of not using the loan according to the goals set in the agreement with the bank. Malov not give up so easily because he is convinced is innocent. However, who would have thought the court sentenced him guilty and he was imprisoned for 5 years, as submitted FSB agents in their previous threats.

Business According to Solidarity, a small business advocacy organization in Russia, as many as one of six Russian entrepreneur became prisoners and that one-third of inmates in correctional institutions in the country is an entrepreneur.

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