Thursday, May 12, 2011

Advertise on WALL HOUSE

Advertise in the street may already be familiar. Advertise in the mass media is also not unusual anymore. But Adzookie provide an alternative way to advertise unique. With advertising method Adzookie, people can earn money by placing advertisements in their homes. Advertise here that does not mean installing billboards but painting the outside wall of their house like a giant billboard that could see the people passing by.
To be able to earn money as an ad publisher in Adzookie, which will house used to be privately owned homes in question. It's not a rental house or who are still paid in installments. Homeowners should also expressed willingness to let the ads tertayang on the walls of their homes until at least 3 months and can be extended to a period of one year. When all conditions are met, Adzookie will paint the exterior of the house as a whole with the ads, except the roof, windows and canopies.
Painting process typically takes from 3 to 5 days. Instead Adzookie said it will pay the mortgage in question as long as the house is still showing ads. If at any time for various reasons homeowners decide to cancel after a period of 3 months or if Adzookie cancel the agreement, the company will repaint the house to normal.
According to CNN reports, this brilliant idea Adzookie launched on Tuesday (5 / 4) then and in the evening there are already more than 1,000 applications from homeowners who want their house painted! With the economic situation that has not fully recovered from the crisis, many Americans regard this as an easy way to get money without working too hard, take risks in debt, or lose the house because of bankruptcy.

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