Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Indonesia will be closed Citibank??

Indonesia will be closed Citibank
  • Bank Indonesia (BI)

    Bank Indonesia (BI) is bank central of indonesia

  • will conduct a fit and proper test or due diligence of directors and its line of Citibank Indonesia. This is related to cases of alleged death of a customer by credit card debt collectors, and break-ins by unscrupulous employees of Citibank.

    "BI will immediately conduct a fit and proper test to direski Citibank, two weeks from now," said Budi Rochadi, Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia, when found finished a press conference the results of the Board of Governors (RDG), Tuesday (12 / 4).

    For menyelidikan two cases in the bank from the United States (U.S.), the central bank in cooperation with the Center for Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (INTRAC) and the Indonesian Police (RI).

    Budi said the central bank is likely to impose sanctions to Citibank in the form of administrative reprimand to suspension operating license and credit card Citibank private banking.

    However, Citibank operations in Indonesia may not be discontinued, although the activities of credit card and private banking can be stopped. Because the two terms is only a small part in the operations of the bank.

    Budi added that Citibank had imposed sanctions about the derivative transaction. "BI is still firm to run the rule did not look at a particular bank, either local or foreign banks," he added.

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