Monday, April 8, 2013


I. Knowledge Framework (Body of Knowledge)
Social Work Knowledge is the result of research and practice that have been proven accuracy and truth in providing services social worker using a knowledge-scientific knowledge that has proven the accuracy and validity of social work knowledge divided into 3 groups
a. Knowledge of the client (individual, group, community)
b. Knowledge of the social environment
c. Knowledge related to society and culture
d. Knowledge of professional social work profession
e. Includes knowledge: Self as a social worker (self), profession, intervention
2. Value Framework (Body of Value) Social Work
Value is something that is considered good. Values ​​are beliefs, choices or assumptions about what is good for humans. Social workers in carrying out their duties is always influenced by the values:
a. Personal values ​​of social work
b. Value of the social work profession
c. The value of the client or group
d. Community value
3. Skills Framework (Body of Skills) Social Work
Skill is the ability to use the knowledge and values ​​held by a person is a tool to combine the knowledge skeleton framework of values, to be able to practice in a responsible manner. Skills a person closely associated with the art to practice the theories and values.
Skills - basic skills:
a. Provide basic rescue skills
b. Skills to do the deal
c. Observation skills
d. Communication skills
e. Empathy skills
Tools to improve the skills of social workers:
a. Recording case
b. Supervision
c. Conference handler case
d. Discussion and assessment
e. consultation
1. According to Piccard 1979
a. Individualization
b. Purposeful expression on felling
c. Controlled emotional involvement
d. Acceptance
e. Non judmental attitude
f. Self-determination
g. confidentiality
2. Friedlander, 1997
a. the principle of acceptance
b. the principle of Individualization
c. the principle of communication
d. the principle of participation
e. the principle of confidentiality
f. the principle of case work self Awareness

Sunday, April 7, 2013


1. Implementing System Change (Change Agent System)
Was referring to a group that work to help on the basis of different skills and work with different systems Implementing major change is the person in charge. Implementing change: An aid specifically employed for the purpose of planning to make changes.
2. System Client (Client System)
Clients are referred to bias people: individuals, groups, communities. The client is any person who is expected to receive services from implementing the changes and also ask for help and get involved in the services provided by social workers. Those clients ------- -------- no contract. Client systems can be enlarged in scope or out of the field. System clients are the ones who have given the authority or ask for help in the change effort and engage them. An employment agreement or contract with social workers.
3. Target Systems (The Target System)
It is the people who were targeted for change where change is expected to affect the achievement of goals and help. A social worker works closely with clients to set goals and determine the specific changes the target, so that goals can be achieved. Example: The social worker who helps mentally disturbed wife (client and her husband are unemployed. Sometimes the client and target systems form the same person, for example to change the face of the mother in ways that are used to deal with children.
4. System Activity (The Action System)
Pointing people together social workers attempted to complete tasks and achieve goals change efforts. Intended use of the system activity is to influence people who are still a potential client in order to turn into actual clients.

Friday, April 5, 2013


Resource is anything that can be used to carry out social functioning.
1. Source by Max Siporin
a. Internal and external sources
1) Source: Internal source is inside the waiter (individual, group, community). Example: intellectual ability, unity, mutual assistance
2) External sources: Source which is beyond the self-maid (individual, group, community). Example: wealth, prestige, livelihood, relatives wealthy, influential friends, the rights guaranteed
b. Sources offisial / formal and non offisial Sources / non-formal
1) Source offisial: formal leaders, organizations that formally represent the community, teachers, social workers, counseling agencies, charities, service providers
2) Sources of non offisial: emotional and social support from relatives, friends, neighbors. Non offisial source is part of the natural source of help
c. Human and non-human sources
1) Human Resources: the people who have the ability and power to be extracted and used to help solve client problems
2) non-human sources: the sources of materials or objects
d. Sources particularistic symbolic, universal concrete and exchange value
1) Source particularistic symbolic: the form of symbols that can not be touched Example: information and social status. Information and social status in the community has a special symbolic meaning and can be used as a resource that can be mined and utilized
2) Sources of concrete universalistic: the form of the real thing and the public. Example: services, concrete objects Sources exchange values: love, money
2. sources according to Allen Pincus and Anne Minahan
a. Informal sources / natural
May include family, friends, neighbors and others who are willing to help, emotional support, love, advice, information, other concrete services
b. Formal Sources
Membership in an organization or a formal association aims to increase interest in their members. Source system can also help members to negotiate and utilize community resources system.
c. System Resources Community
In the form of hospitals, adoption agencies, job training programs, formal service. People in life associated with community source systems, such as schools, child care centers. People are also associated with government agencies and other public services, such as police, recreation,
public libraries etc..

Thursday, April 4, 2013


1. The issue or problem is the difference between das sollen (which should, desired, aspired to, which is expected) with das sein (the real, is happening). In other words the problem is the difference between the ideal and the real, as we are aspiring - envisioned a prosperous society, it happened a lot of people are still poor.
2. According to the Suharto Horton and Leslie (2000), social problems is a condition that many people feel uncomfortable and require solving collective social action.
3. Parillo which are quoted Soetomo (1995:4) in Organizing and Community Development: the four components in understanding the meaning of social problems, namely:
a. Problems that persist for a certain period.
b. Felt can cause a variety of physical or mental harm, both to individuals and society.
c. It is a violation of our values ​​or social standards of one or more aspects of community life.
d. Raises the need for solutions.
Social problems are problems that arise directly or sourced directly from the social conditions and processes include:
a) The first social issue (Primary Social Problem) is a condition that affects the consequences are diverse and manifold for the community.
b) The second social problem (Secondary Social Problem) is a result of adverse conditions in general from the more influential social problems and, in turn, lead to additional social problems.
c) The third Social Problems (Social Problems Tertiary) is a condition that harm directly or indirectly lead to a more dominant.
Social problems faced by Indonesia is quite prominent as follows:
• Poverty
• Unemployment
• Crime
• Delinquency children and adolescents
• Drug abuse
• Pornography, pornographic and prostitution
• Gambling
• Rape
• psychiatric disturbance
• Problems disaster
• neglected children
• Seniors stranded
• The issue of disability
• Poor social security
• Social conflicts
• Social unrest
• Violence against women and children
• The problem of refugees
• Treat HIV / AIDS
• The issue of discrimination and injustice
• Problems slums
• poor condition of public health
• social disharmony
• Decreased social solidarity
• Stress, depression, and suicide
• Disorganization family

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


The experts (Max Siporin, Charles Zastrow, Rex A. Skidmore and Milton G. Thackery) states that Social Work is a profession for help, which is intended to help people (both individually and collectively) improve social functioning (social fungtioning). So social functioning is the focus of Social Work.
Social fungtioning viewed from various aspects, namely:
1. Ability to implement social role
Social fungtioning can be seen as a performance / execution expected role as a member of a collectivity. This view has several aspects:
a. Social status
Someone living in the middle - the middle of collectivity (family, group, and community komunitiy) must have social status. Plural social status of a person has more than one social status such as parents, husband, son, and so on.
b. Internasional
Every social status of a person always has a partner (interaction with their partner). Example:
The child's parents
Head of subordinates
c. Demands or expectations
Each individual's social status is essentially demanding behavior that should be implemented. Demands behavior according to the norms or values ​​which the person is (role expectation). For example, the social status of the parents, it is required to:
• Able to educate children - children
• Able to provide examples
• Socializing, etc..
d. Behavior
Human behavior is influenced by many factors, both factors that is inside / internal and external / external. All these factors are related to each other, interact to form a complex behavior. So, in principle, have the behavior will lead to a cause and effect.
e. Situational
Implementation of role / person's behavior according to its status, always in the context of the situation, meaning that people always behave in the context of social situations. The social situation is the basic unity that allow social interaction.
One way of looking at social situations may be:
1) Conceptual - descriptive depiction:
• What and how the reality - the reality facing
• Tasks and activities that might be undertaken
• What role do
2) Operational - perspective, that picture:
• Guidelines to be followed
• Possible future
• Action - actions that need to be done in the future
Therefore, people in the feel and look also varied situations, among others:
1) Looking at the social situation as a situation that can be trusted. On the contrary, there are people who view the situation can not be trusted.
2) Looking at the social situation as a situation that provides support. But otherwise there are people who see a stressful situation or demand.
3) Looking at the situation as a situation that fosters social and personal identity float. But otherwise there are people who see the situation as threatening situations.
Max Siporin states that there are nine characteristics of the social situation which is said to be a functional situation, namely:
a) The social situation that is structurally adequate, because:
• Provide sufficient materials and labor
• adequate ecological conditions
• Relationships are good and reasonable
b) The situation that is culturally appropriate, because:
• Having the values, norms and sanctions
• Having a moral order
• Having an effective identity
c) Process - a process that is in social situations can be run efficiently and directed to the achievement of goals.
d) The social situation thoroughly buffered seen clearly, consistently, and rellatif stable, although the social situation gives the possibility to make adjustments and changes.
e) The situation provides opportunities, resources, and services needed.
f) the social situation encourages or demands, provide reasonable sanctions and rewards.
g) The social situation is providing benefits or improve identity, self-esteem and awareness of individual and group competency as a whole.
h) The situation has prompted an awareness of the reality - the reality of life that demands that need to be dealt with skills - skills that are possessed.
i) The social situation gives the possibility for members to connect with other people.
2. The ability to meet the needs of
To be able to identify basic human needs, in fact there are some principles that need to be addressed:
a. Human needs in principle plural, meaning human needs are more than one.
b. There are some real human needs is characteristic of its cultural context.
c. System needs of each individual depends on its development. Needs of infants, adolescents, and adults will be different - different.
Types of human needs in general can be seen from the opinion of experts as follows:
1. Neil Gilbert and Harry Specht
Stating that human needs can be grouped into 5 parts:
a. Physical needs
b. Emotional needs
c. Intellectual needs
d. Spiritual needs
e. Social needs
2. Abraham H. Maslow
Divides human needs into five sections, namely:
a. Physicological needs
b. Safety needs
c. Love and belonging needs
d. Esteem needs
e. Self actualization needs
3. NASW and CSWE
Developing the opinion of Maslow's human needs, namely:
a. Need for physical and mental well being
b. Need to know
c. Need for justice
d. Need for economical security
e. Need for self-realization, intimacy and relationship
4. Naomi I. Brill
Stating that human needs, in principle, can be grouped into two groups, namely:
a. The need for security (safety needs)
The need for security cover material requirements that are useful to sustain life, such as food, clothing, housing and non-material needs such as the need to love and be loved, etc..
b. The need accomodate the drive towar Groth (the need to accommodate a boost - a boost that can result in growth)
5. Hepworth and Larsen
Classifying human needs into four, namely:
a. Positive self consept
• Identify
• Self esteem
• Self confidance
b. Emotional
• Feeling needed and valued by others
• Sense of belonging
• Companionship
c. Personal fulfillment
• Education
• Recreation
• Accoplishment
• Esthetic satisfaction
• Religion
d. Phsycal need
• Food, clothing, hausing
• Health care
• Safety
• Protection
3. The ability to solve the social problems experienced by
People in business needs, carry out the task - the task of life and to realize their aspirations is not easy. He was faced with limitations - limitations, obstacles - obstacles and difficulties - difficulties. Man at confront the problems that must be faced.