Sunday, April 7, 2013


1. Implementing System Change (Change Agent System)
Was referring to a group that work to help on the basis of different skills and work with different systems Implementing major change is the person in charge. Implementing change: An aid specifically employed for the purpose of planning to make changes.
2. System Client (Client System)
Clients are referred to bias people: individuals, groups, communities. The client is any person who is expected to receive services from implementing the changes and also ask for help and get involved in the services provided by social workers. Those clients ------- -------- no contract. Client systems can be enlarged in scope or out of the field. System clients are the ones who have given the authority or ask for help in the change effort and engage them. An employment agreement or contract with social workers.
3. Target Systems (The Target System)
It is the people who were targeted for change where change is expected to affect the achievement of goals and help. A social worker works closely with clients to set goals and determine the specific changes the target, so that goals can be achieved. Example: The social worker who helps mentally disturbed wife (client and her husband are unemployed. Sometimes the client and target systems form the same person, for example to change the face of the mother in ways that are used to deal with children.
4. System Activity (The Action System)
Pointing people together social workers attempted to complete tasks and achieve goals change efforts. Intended use of the system activity is to influence people who are still a potential client in order to turn into actual clients.

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