Thursday, March 28, 2013


To understand more deeply the Social Work it first needs to know the assumptions - assumptions of Social Work are:
a. Social Work with like any other profession has the function to solve problems (problem solving function).
b. Social Work practice is an art that is based on values​​, skills and scientific knowledge.
c. Social Work as a profession emerged and continues to evolve, being able to meet the needs and aspirations are recognized by the community.
d. Implementation of Social Work practice must be adapted to the values ​​of the community in which the practice will be implemented.
e. Scientific knowledge base of Social Work can be grouped into three types: tested, hypothetial, and assumptive knowladge.
f. The knowledge - the knowledge necessary for the practice of Social Work is determined by the goals, functions, and problems faced.
g. Internalization of values ​​- values ​​and professional knowledge is a vital need for professional Social Workers.
h. Skills of the Social Work profession is expressed through activities - activities conducted by professional Social Workers.

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