Wednesday, May 4, 2011

How become entrepreneur

become a true entrepreneur may not be easy for most people, many people prefer to be employees of private companies or government officials of the vote to become an entrepreneur, many people assume that an entrepreneur must have a lot of capital or experience, many people are afraid to try being an entrepreneur, because it overshadowed afraid to lose,

a true entrepreneur never afraid to lose or to lose, the true entrepreneur is a lesson in building a business, an entrepreneur soul shall always seek business opportunities, and willing to invest, invest not only money, but also an investment in the form of time, energy, etc.

is of course very different to someone who does not have the entrepreneurial spirit, they tend to be passive not want to look for business opportunities, and only awaiting orders from the 'boss'

starting a business can be done with little capital, only a few cents worth even without money you can still become an entrepreneur, the most important thing is that you dare to try new business and are not afraid of loss,

open a business without money?
yes it has a lot to prove, is the world's largest book selling site, first opened a workshop on 'edge' cities

what you want to try like Jeffrey Preston Bezos owner?
if yes means you must have the entrepreneurial spirit

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